Keep your customers cool with our efficient and reliable AC recharge stations “Made in Italy”.
Its more than ten years’ leadership in the vehicle A/C service and recharge field has allowed TEXA to obtain the approval and recommendation by the major vehicle manufacturers worldwide. From the same experience, TEXA has given birth to KONFORT TOUCH, a range of charging stations characterised by exceptional manufacturing quality, designed for all the A/C service operations on vehicles that use refrigerant R134a and R1234yf.
In a simple, quick, smart way, and with the utmost ease of use.
Simple, because its 10-inch colour touchscreen display, the AndroidTM operating system and its main service dashboard allow users to customise the charging operations and start them really easily.
Quick, because the navigation menu enhances the user experience and gathers all the key functions in the main page, allowing users to complete the
operations with absolute precision and in just a few steps.
Smart, because its advanced connectivity allows it, for example, to update automatically, receive remote assistance and connect to other devices, such as printers and smartphones. Moreover, it uses a search algorithm that identifies the vehicle in the wide database by simply entering a keyword, therefore avoiding the classic selection of make and model.
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