Maximize your workshop’s productivity and safety with our durable lifts.
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Stertil-Koni offers very versatile and powerful Ultra 4-Post platform lifts. They are widely suitable for any workshop situation. The design ensures maximum working ergonomics under and around the vehicle.
Stertil-Koni has developed a number of special adapters and other accessories for agricultural vehicles, such as an adjustable wheel clamp and a wider crossbeam. In a three-column configuration for towed equipment, the mobile column lifts are fitted with a special ‘pin and ball tow hitch. Stertil-Koni can help you lift heavy agricultural machinery and vehicles at the touch of a screen.
Stertil-Koni offers the DIAMONDLIFT in two foundation configurations. There is a cassette version that features steel foundation containments or a frame version with a steel frame designed for a traditional concrete foundation.
The revolutionary ebright Smart Control System combines intuitive ease of use with maximum visual information about the lifting process. Main advantages include:
The FREEDOMLIFT’s stability and safety have been enhanced by innovative design with sophisticated construction and intelligent technology. The 2-post lift and lifting arms are streamlined and strong at the same time. Multiple automatic features – both mechanical and hydraulic, ensure maximum safety:
The Stertil-Koni SKYLIFT is a fully hydraulic platform lift and provides a “clear floor concept” with a completely vertical rise without any horizontal offset. A truly space-saving premium heavy-duty vehicle platform lift compared to a conventional parallelogram or other platform lifts.
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